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Double Data Joins

Perhaps the most fundamental concept of D3 is the data join which shortly summarized compares a dataset in memory with the data in a selection. New elements are entered where no matched data exists in the selection, current elements are updated and missing elements are exited.

One aspect that's easy to miss though is that the results of a data join are also a selection. This means you can chain data joins on top of each other.

An example

Say we have data that has a nested structure like this

var data = {"red":["Strawberries", "Apple"],

We can easily use this structure to our advantage using a d3 snippet like this

var doubledatajoin = function() {"#example")
             .style("color", function(d) {return d})
           .data(function(d) {return data[d]})
             .text(function(d) {return d})
  .on("click", doubledatajoin)

By using two data joins we can add the corresponding adjectives to into the dom where it makes sense. The above example is quite trivial but where this can become extremely useful is nested groups. By being able to create hierarchical groups like this it becomes easy to transform, hide, and modify like groups of elements. If you want an example of this feel free to contact me and I can add one to this post. Otherwise, I hope you see the power of this and just how powerful combining concepts in D3 can be.